harry potter, funny comics....

 I guess I was the first  from Attraction girls to see new Harry Potter movie ...
For the whole past week I was  sooo   looking foward to see it. Finally saturday 23.00,  at BergaKungen cinema with high expectations..
well,  I was very dissappointed..
boring boring movie......

It felt that they tried to squiz the whole book ,   as much as possible in 2,5 hour movie.. which was really sucky... Everything was happining, but in the same time Nothing was happening....

(betyg: 2 av 5)

Potter vs the Punisher

Spongebob Potter

Power Puff Potter

Japanese Potter

Pimp Potter

That cinema had 3 movies to offer, but it sounds like Potter made Evan Almighty pregnant!!!,  howwwww??!!

just a manic  Potter...

hugz & kisses


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